The International Dutch Open Prep Camp 2024


Make the most of your summer and set the stage for a successful upcoming season by joining our exclusive international prep camp. Elevate your game, enhance your mental and physical strength, and broaden your cultural horizons in an unparalleled setting. Hosted at the state-of-the-art 21-court facility of Frans Otten Stadium, our camp stands as the largest international gathering, attracting players from powerhouse squash nations like Egypt, Hong Kong, and Europe.

This is a unique opportunity for players to not only train alongside but also compete against the very best from around the globe. Seize this chance to excel in preparation for the new season, as you sharpen your skills and forge connections with fellow squash enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds.

Featuring PSA world no.11 Youssef Soliman

NOTE: The Dutch Open entries have now closed. If you have entered the event or just wish to attend our camp and train with the best junior players please contact for camp availability


"Elevate Your Game: Train with the worlds best juniors and prepare for the Dutch Junior Open!"